Saturday, December 29, 2007

I wish Happy Holidays to ALL

I hope that all of you had a happy healthy Christmas and Chanukah.  We now look to the new year 2008 and I hope that advances are made in Diabetes care and a final breakthrough for a cure.

I also hope that all pharmaceutical companies make a pledge NOT to come out with drugs that serve to create high blood sugars in our blood thus creating Diabetes where it was not there before.  Glaxo Smith Welcome is one of these companies that show no concern that their products have side effects that are much worse than the illnesses that they purport to treat.  I see this company as being criminally guilty of putting forth poisons that create disease where none existed before.

I challenge this company to  ethical conduct and to honor the Pharmaceutical family where it now serves it with dishonor.

My father was a hospial pharmacist and purchasing agent.  I grew up in his hospital pharmacies and I know of his ethics.  My father, Morris Rogoff was a pioneer in Unit Dose and at the time of his death from cancer and heart disease had been nominated to be on the Michigan Board of Pharmacy.  My father also was a respected professional in Michigan pharmacy, winning countless awards.  The Drug Enforcement Agency consulted with him on countless occasions although he was forbidden to discuss it with his family.

Here is to a Happy Healthy New Year!

Melvyn Rogoff

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